Common Room

Room Features

  • Single bed
  • Wardrobe
  • Study table
  • Chair
  • Air-conditioned
  • Shared bathroom

Apartment Features

  • Living / Dining room
  • Kitchen
  • 2 Common bathroom
  • Washing machine / Dryer



There are many selling points that make Blue Horizon Unique. The location of the building is very accessible to the people living there. There are following conveniences and services with the area of Blue Horizon as Aerobic pool, Barbeque Area, Covered car park, Clubhouse, Gymnasium room, Jacuzzi, Playground, Spa pool, Swimming pool, Tennis courts, and Wading pool.

There are many bus stops on the road of Blue Horizon that make accessibility of people to the shopping area and office make easy. MRT Public transport is also there to make accessibility of residence easy. It can access the is from east, west, north, and south.

Location Blue Horizon 27 West Coast Crescent, Singapore 128048
Reference Code 8278-818238-CR2
Room Type Common Room
Availability Not Available
Next Availability


Nearest MRT/LRT Clementi MRT
MRT Line East West
Min Walk to Nearest MRT 11 mins

Nearby Shopping Malls & Supermarkets

  • West Coast Plaza
  • Kim Soon Guan

Nearby Clinics / Hospitals

  • Westside Medical Clinic
  • Family Life Clinic
  • Union Clinic & Surgery

Nearby Eateries

  • Edokko Food Pte. Ltd.
  • McDonald’s West Coast Park
  • Shu Xiang (West Coast)

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