Common Room

Room Features

  • Wardrobe
  • Study table
  • Chair
  • Air-conditioned
  • Shared bathroom

Apartment Features

  • Living / Dining room
  • Kitchen
  • 2 Common bathroom
  • Washing machine / Dryer



The facilities provided by the property range from the most basic to the extravagant. There is a twenty-four hours security provided to make sure that the safety of the residents is not compromised. The carparks are big enough to accommodate all the vehicles of the residents and are well covered to protect them from the natural elements. For the fitness conscious there is a gymnasium within the building. It is well equipped and well maintained. The residents can access it at their convenience whether in the morning or the evening. There is a sauna to relax after a day's hectic schedule. The swimming pool and the wading pool can be used for many recreational activities.

Location Aspen Heights 261 River Valley Road, Singapore 238307
Reference Code 82618-802038-CR4
Room Type Common Room
Availability Not Available
Next Availability


Nearest MRT/LRT Fort Canning MRT
MRT Line Downtown
Min Walk to Nearest MRT 5 mins

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