Common Room

Room Features

  • Wardrobe
  • Study table
  • Chair
  • Air-conditioned
  • Shared bathroom

Apartment Features

  • Living / Dining room
  • Kitchen
  • 2 Common bathroom
  • Washing machine / Dryer



The Springdale condo includes several facilities for its residents which include barbecue area, gymnasium room, playground, putting green, sauna, 24 hours security, squash court, a wide swimming pool, perfect tennis courts, and a wading pool. The bluish-white colour of Springdale Condo provides an elegant view to the building. The front-facing rooms enjoy the view if the wide street whereas the rooms at back enjoy the pool view which is located at the heart of the residence.

Location Springdale 47 Hindhede Walk, Singapore 587977
Reference Code 8478-804038-CR6
Room Type Common Room
Availability Not Available
Next Availability


Nearest MRT/LRT Beauty World MRT
MRT Line Downtown
Min Walk to Nearest MRT 4 mins

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